If I Needed Someone
The Beatles演唱的歌曲
《If I Needed Someone》一歌由George Harrison创作,由The BeatlesThe Hollies分别同时演绎,两个版本同时于1965年3月21日在英国发行,The Hollies的版本作为单曲发行。The Hollies此前的大部分单曲都成为了榜单前十的热门单曲,但这首歌在英国只达到了榜单前20的后半段,乐队受到批评并被认为录制此歌是个错误。The Beatles版本首次出现于1965年专辑《Rubber Soul》,并被收录于1966年北美版专辑《Yesterday and Today》。
George Harrison – double-tracked vocal, twelve-string lead guitar
John Lennon – harmony vocal, rhythm guitar
Paul McCartney – harmony vocal, bass guitar
人员信息来源于Ian MacDonald
If I needed someone to love
You're the one that I'd be thinking of
If I needed someone
If I had some more time to spend
Then I guess I'd be with you, my friend
If I needed someone
Had you come some other day
Then it might not have been like this
But, you see, now I'm too much in love
Carve your number on my wall
And maybe you will get a call from me
If I needed someone
Ah, ah, ah, ah
If I had some more time to spend
Then I guess I'd be with you, my friend
If I needed someone
Had you come some other day
Then it might not have been like this
But, you see, now I'm too much in love
Carve your number on my wall
And maybe you will get a call from me
If I needed someone
最新修订时间:2023-01-05 15:40